Saturday, August 10, 2013

Reintroduction of Me

Hey there, readers! Welcome to my newly revamped blog. As of this post, you are now reading my New and Improved Blog, so feel free to ignore all previous posts. Or binge-read them all for your pleasure. Whichever floats your fancy.

I wanted to make my unofficial first post an introduction post, not only introducing readers old and (hopefully) new to me, but to what this blog will be about. As you can see from what I've chosen to title this blog, I will be discussing plenty about writing on here. Whether it be my own writing, your own writing, or tips about writing, I want this blog to be not only where I share the writerly side of my life, but also serve as a public forum for others interested in the same thing.

Now, to tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Dustin Vann, and I'm currently living in Manhattan, Kansas, where I am preparing for my sophomore year at K-State University. I'm a Creative Writing major (who woulda thunk?) and of course live for anything related to writing and reading. I've been writing for years and am currently working on publishing (I'll fill you in on all that in good time, my friends).

That's really my generic biography, but to help you all get a better sense of who I am, here are some "Fast Facts" about me to keep your reading experience refreshing:

1. Yes, I really am 19. I'll be 20 next month, but contrary to the belief of some, I actually still am a teenager. As far back as my junior year people thought I was 21, and recently, a high school kid in the class I tutor for said she thought I was 25. I blame it on the facial hair.

2. My favorite TV show of all time is Charmed. I love those fictional Halliwell sisters, and to this day I still haven't gotten over SPOILER Prue's death.

3. I'm also obsessed with American Horror Story, Grey's Anatomy, and Castle. If you love any of these shows, too, feel free to say so in the comments and we can freak out about them together!

4. My taste in music is wide-ranging. I love anything from Owl City to Nicki Minaj.

5. There will never be enough pizza to satisfy my love for pizza. I blame this unhealthy obsession on working at a take-and-bake pizza place for over 2 years.

6. The first book I remember falling in love with was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I was in 2nd grade, and besides satisfying my mental sweet tooth, I remember the story being just as sweet.

7. I'm afraid of both whales and bats. More on this in a later post.

8. I actually liked The Casual Vacancy.

9. My first crush was the animated Daphne from Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?

10. I tend to really like celebrities most others find annoying, such as Shannen Doherty, Katherine Heigl, Nicki Minaj, and Anne Hathaway.

11. My middle name is Lamar.

12. Despite being my Birthday Twin, I have never read a Stephen King novel all the way through. I read some of Misery my freshman year of high school, but for whatever reason never finished it. My apologies to the King.

13. If I weren't so passionate about writing, I would probably pursue a career as a professional dodgeball player.

14. I'm a slight hypochondriac. Throughout much of 8th grade, whenever I had a headache I feared it was a brain tumor, and when I pulled a muscle near my neck the other day, for a short time I thought I'd done something horrible to my spine. Too much Grey's Anatomy, I guess.

15. If I could meet any author, living or dead, it would have to be F. Scott Fitzgerald.

So, there's a little bit about me and what you're in for if you choose to stick around. I am going to try my best to make a post a week. Like I said earlier, most posts will center around writing, whether it be tips/advice, book reviews/recommendations, or even sharing some of my own work. I may also share some life events here, but for the most part, I look forward to corresponding with as many of you as I can about the power of the written word! So I get it if talking about writing or freaking out about the latest episode of American Horror Story isn't really your thing, but if you do know of someone who enjoys that sort of thing, please share this link them! And for those of you who will be back for subsequent posts, I'm excited to get to know you!


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