Last night was the season premiere, and as I sat on my couch with Katie waiting for eight o'clock to roll around, I seriously couldn't believe it was here. Already. There were times it felt like it was just yesterday I was witnessing the epic season finale last May, that was hands-down the best episode(s) in the show's history. It was hard to imagine that four months had passed that quickly, and I was about to dive into the newest season of this show. But it was coming. So I waited anxiously, ready to get back to Seattle Grace Hospital.
I started watching "Grey's Anatomy" at the start of Season 4, and even now, three years later, I'm still hooked. I kept up with all the newest episodes and began buying Seasons 1-3 so I could catch up on what I missed. I didn't think I could love a show so much. But I kept watching, and more and more I kept loving it.
Anybody who knows me (and from this blog's title), you know I'm a writer. A serious writer. And this show is one of the reasons why I've fallen more in love with writing. The writers on this show are amazing. I don't know them, but I know this. What these people have done (particularly Shonda Rhimes, who created the series) is something special. I love the way the show is written. At times the monologues stun me into silence. The sharp wit never fails to crack me up. This show has inspired me to pursue writing, not only books, but maybe if I'm lucky, a T.V. show someday.
"Grey's Anatomy" never ceases to surprise me. And though I much prefered the cast of yester-year:

(Team Izzie for the win!)
To the cast of today:

I don't think this show will ever lose a fan in me. I'm not sure what I'm going to do once it goes off the air.
I know there are those that would think this is weird, a guy liking a show like this. They may think it's girlie. But I don't care. I love feeling so invested in these characters. I love that my jaw dropped when John Doe turned out to be George. I love how I suffered from residual goosebumps the entire shooting episode (that awesome season finale mentioned above). I love how I still care that Katherine Heigl left the show even though the rest of the world has moved on. Besides my own creations, I don't think I've ever cared so much about people that aren't real (Besides Harry Potter, of course). And I don't think I ever will. But I have a feeling I'd be okay with that.
I'm so excited to see where this season takes me.