Wow, was it really the beginning of November when I last blogged? It doesn't feel like it's been a month and a half, but it has. Just like it didn't feel like the end of the semester today.
That's right; finals are done (I'm still waiting to see what some of my grades look like-yikes), books were turned in (yeah, no more Prob. and Stats!), and I'm done with homework until January 3rd. Unless you count reading eighteen chapters of "Huck Finn", which I don't since I actually enjoy reading.
Still, I thought it was pretty weird, wading through the day, realizing that once that bell rang at 2:40, it would mark the halfway mark for my junior year. I can't believe it's already halfway over; it stills feels like September sometimes (the abnormally nice weather isn't helping, either). Sometimes it's like I'm still bearing with the end-of-summer heat, or still celebrating my 17th birthday, or getting creeped out by "Paranormal Activity 2". For it to be the end of the semester, for 2010 to almost be over, is insane.
I had this same epiphany yesterday. As I was driving to my part-time job, I realized that it was a year to the day I had walked in for my first shift. Thinking back to that first time, how nervous I was to start my first ever job, and how much I've learned since then, as well as how many people I've seen come and go in that store, struck me by surprise.
I'm sure I'll be saying the same thing come May 19th. I'll marvel at how I only have one year of high school left, how I ednured my first prom, how my sister has graduated from high school. And I'll have this post to look back on when that day comes, and I'll be so amazed that it's been five months since I posted it. That's just how I am; I am fascinated with how fast time goes by. And a little frightened at the prospect.
There are so many things I dream to accomplish in the next few months, from small, high school memories to big, unimaginably awesome goals. But for right now I'm going to focus on the holidays, even though I can't believe Christmas is four days away. I want to spend time with family, work on what I need to work on, and enjoy this time away from school, because I know once it starts up again I'll be complaining that I want it to be May. And before I know, it will. Even if it doesn't feel like it.
Merry Christmas!
Also: R.I.P Grandma Kitty 1917-2010 We miss you.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Writing Withdrawals
People, I'm going through withdrawals.
And no, I'm not twitching or scratching myself. Yet. I have a feeling that if I don't find a cure for this here soon, I may start.
I've been real busy lately. We're talking perhaps the busiest I've been. School's been occupying a lot of my, in between reading books for AP Language (which I've actually enjoyed), and keeping up with all my other assignments (Chemistry, I hate you), my school life has never been this hectic. On top of that I've been getting more hours at work, which is good, but when you add that with the time-consuming schoolwork, my wriitng often gets pushed out the backdoor. And it's really upsetting me.
I used to have the opportunity to write every day. Whether it be a short amount of time or long, I still had time. But now my time has been eaten up by everything else I have to do that I've gone for as long as over a week without writing. And my writing is paying the price.
I know one of the cardinal rules for being a serious writer is making time to write. While I've had time to write, it's often in the form of essays or "short" answers for school assignments. My stories, however, the writing that I love and want people to read, that is the writing that I've been unable to get to on a daily basis. Recently I started writing a new book, and over a month in to writing it and I've only gotten about 40 pages written.
Please don't hurt me. I know it's bad.
Because of all the other things I've needed to do, I can't get to my writing, which resulting in me losing touch with my characters and the world they live in. This is an almost shattering thing for me because I need to write this story. I have it all in my head, and I know it's something special to me, which is an automatic indication that it needs to be written. But as much as I try, I can't get it done.
I want this to be my job. I want to be spending my time writing, and talking with other writer people about writing. I've wanted this for so long that I know by now that I won't give up. It's just a matter of me being patient and trying my best to get time in for writing. Things would just be so much easier if this were my job, though. Because I love it.
I'm hoping things will turn around soon. I don't want to start itching. I would love for the opportunity to have writing what I do for a living, like so many people who have the amazing opportunity to do so. For those of you who are in that awesome position, don't take it for granted. Please.
There are a few books on my bookshelf that have been sitting there for weeks, waiting to be read while I sit beneath them, doing homework and coming home from work. Winifred, the name I gave my laptop, sits under my bed, waiting to be cracked open again. Whichever one I get to first, I hope somewhere within them there is my cure.
And no, I'm not twitching or scratching myself. Yet. I have a feeling that if I don't find a cure for this here soon, I may start.
I've been real busy lately. We're talking perhaps the busiest I've been. School's been occupying a lot of my, in between reading books for AP Language (which I've actually enjoyed), and keeping up with all my other assignments (Chemistry, I hate you), my school life has never been this hectic. On top of that I've been getting more hours at work, which is good, but when you add that with the time-consuming schoolwork, my wriitng often gets pushed out the backdoor. And it's really upsetting me.
I used to have the opportunity to write every day. Whether it be a short amount of time or long, I still had time. But now my time has been eaten up by everything else I have to do that I've gone for as long as over a week without writing. And my writing is paying the price.
I know one of the cardinal rules for being a serious writer is making time to write. While I've had time to write, it's often in the form of essays or "short" answers for school assignments. My stories, however, the writing that I love and want people to read, that is the writing that I've been unable to get to on a daily basis. Recently I started writing a new book, and over a month in to writing it and I've only gotten about 40 pages written.
Please don't hurt me. I know it's bad.
Because of all the other things I've needed to do, I can't get to my writing, which resulting in me losing touch with my characters and the world they live in. This is an almost shattering thing for me because I need to write this story. I have it all in my head, and I know it's something special to me, which is an automatic indication that it needs to be written. But as much as I try, I can't get it done.
I want this to be my job. I want to be spending my time writing, and talking with other writer people about writing. I've wanted this for so long that I know by now that I won't give up. It's just a matter of me being patient and trying my best to get time in for writing. Things would just be so much easier if this were my job, though. Because I love it.
I'm hoping things will turn around soon. I don't want to start itching. I would love for the opportunity to have writing what I do for a living, like so many people who have the amazing opportunity to do so. For those of you who are in that awesome position, don't take it for granted. Please.
There are a few books on my bookshelf that have been sitting there for weeks, waiting to be read while I sit beneath them, doing homework and coming home from work. Winifred, the name I gave my laptop, sits under my bed, waiting to be cracked open again. Whichever one I get to first, I hope somewhere within them there is my cure.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Mockingjay: My Thoughts--FINALLY
Yesterday was a big day for me. Not just because it was finally Saturday and I could sleep in, but because I finally finished MOCKINGJAY.

I say finally because I purchased this book back in August when it was first released, and even though I pledged to have it done within a few weeks, it took me more than a month. I'm not sure why; it could be because I was reluctant to finish it, or my requirement to read THE SCARLET LETTER for school prevented me from finishing on time. Whatever the case, I've finally finished THE HUNGER GAMES trilogy, and am now going to post my thoughts. Don't worry for those of you who haven't read it. I'm not going to post any spoilers.
First off, in order to read MOCKINGJAY, you must read the other two books in the series, THE HUNGER GAMES and CATCHING FIRE. For those who don't want to, here's a brief summary over what the series is about: Set in the future, America is divided up into 12 districts and each year a boy and a girl from each district are selected to fight to the death in a televised event called the Hunger Games. The main character is Katniss Everdeen, who goes in the place of her sister to compete in the Games. Oh, and there's also a love triangle of sorts between her, her friend Gale, and her fellow gamemate Peeta. The series is a gory, passionate mess. And I mean that in a good way.
After finishing MOCKINGJAY, I wasn't sure what to think. I'd read on other message boards about how some people despised the book, and while I felt there was one unecessary death in this installment, I didn't feel that way. To me, the way the series ended felt right. It stayed with the tone of the entire series, so it felt justifiable that the story ended up in the place it did in the final pages. So I guess you can say I liked the ending.
My only complaint about this book was that it didn't feel as action-packed as the other two. But nonetheless, it still kept my attention. Suzanne Collins has a way of writing that she can make a seemingly unimportant detail shine with her descriptions. That's why she's one of my favorite writers, and that's why I was able to forgive her for the lack of action in the first half of the book, because she made scenes that would seem trivial in the hands of other writers much more defined.
What I love about this series (besides the gory fight scenes), and especially in this book is the way war and human nature is depicted. As a pursuing writer I've become a little obsessed with symbolism and seeing the bigger meaning in writing (reading THE SCARLET LETTER can do this to you), so I loved being able to detect the allegory in Collins' writing. She's done this before in THE UNDERLAND CHRONICLES, a series I credit as fueling my passion to read and write. Not only did I get entertainment out of this series, but I was also able to learn as a writer and apply different techniques to infuse a bigger picture into my own writing.
While I'm pretty bummed that finishing MOCKINGJAY means the end of this series, I take comfort in knowing that not only can I read these books over and over again, they are also making a movie out of it. I can only hope it'll live up to the books. And while MOCKINGJAY wasn't my favorite book in the trilogy (that spot goes to THE HUNGER GAMES), it was still a great read that lead to a satsifying and fitting conclusion.

I say finally because I purchased this book back in August when it was first released, and even though I pledged to have it done within a few weeks, it took me more than a month. I'm not sure why; it could be because I was reluctant to finish it, or my requirement to read THE SCARLET LETTER for school prevented me from finishing on time. Whatever the case, I've finally finished THE HUNGER GAMES trilogy, and am now going to post my thoughts. Don't worry for those of you who haven't read it. I'm not going to post any spoilers.
First off, in order to read MOCKINGJAY, you must read the other two books in the series, THE HUNGER GAMES and CATCHING FIRE. For those who don't want to, here's a brief summary over what the series is about: Set in the future, America is divided up into 12 districts and each year a boy and a girl from each district are selected to fight to the death in a televised event called the Hunger Games. The main character is Katniss Everdeen, who goes in the place of her sister to compete in the Games. Oh, and there's also a love triangle of sorts between her, her friend Gale, and her fellow gamemate Peeta. The series is a gory, passionate mess. And I mean that in a good way.
After finishing MOCKINGJAY, I wasn't sure what to think. I'd read on other message boards about how some people despised the book, and while I felt there was one unecessary death in this installment, I didn't feel that way. To me, the way the series ended felt right. It stayed with the tone of the entire series, so it felt justifiable that the story ended up in the place it did in the final pages. So I guess you can say I liked the ending.
My only complaint about this book was that it didn't feel as action-packed as the other two. But nonetheless, it still kept my attention. Suzanne Collins has a way of writing that she can make a seemingly unimportant detail shine with her descriptions. That's why she's one of my favorite writers, and that's why I was able to forgive her for the lack of action in the first half of the book, because she made scenes that would seem trivial in the hands of other writers much more defined.
What I love about this series (besides the gory fight scenes), and especially in this book is the way war and human nature is depicted. As a pursuing writer I've become a little obsessed with symbolism and seeing the bigger meaning in writing (reading THE SCARLET LETTER can do this to you), so I loved being able to detect the allegory in Collins' writing. She's done this before in THE UNDERLAND CHRONICLES, a series I credit as fueling my passion to read and write. Not only did I get entertainment out of this series, but I was also able to learn as a writer and apply different techniques to infuse a bigger picture into my own writing.
While I'm pretty bummed that finishing MOCKINGJAY means the end of this series, I take comfort in knowing that not only can I read these books over and over again, they are also making a movie out of it. I can only hope it'll live up to the books. And while MOCKINGJAY wasn't my favorite book in the trilogy (that spot goes to THE HUNGER GAMES), it was still a great read that lead to a satsifying and fitting conclusion.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Grey's Anatomy
I meant to post yesterday but I had to many things to do. I had to do chores, read "The Scarlet Letter" (which is actually getting pretty good). But back to what this post is really about: "Grey's Anatomy".
Last night was the season premiere, and as I sat on my couch with Katie waiting for eight o'clock to roll around, I seriously couldn't believe it was here. Already. There were times it felt like it was just yesterday I was witnessing the epic season finale last May, that was hands-down the best episode(s) in the show's history. It was hard to imagine that four months had passed that quickly, and I was about to dive into the newest season of this show. But it was coming. So I waited anxiously, ready to get back to Seattle Grace Hospital.
I started watching "Grey's Anatomy" at the start of Season 4, and even now, three years later, I'm still hooked. I kept up with all the newest episodes and began buying Seasons 1-3 so I could catch up on what I missed. I didn't think I could love a show so much. But I kept watching, and more and more I kept loving it.
Anybody who knows me (and from this blog's title), you know I'm a writer. A serious writer. And this show is one of the reasons why I've fallen more in love with writing. The writers on this show are amazing. I don't know them, but I know this. What these people have done (particularly Shonda Rhimes, who created the series) is something special. I love the way the show is written. At times the monologues stun me into silence. The sharp wit never fails to crack me up. This show has inspired me to pursue writing, not only books, but maybe if I'm lucky, a T.V. show someday.
"Grey's Anatomy" never ceases to surprise me. And though I much prefered the cast of yester-year:

(Team Izzie for the win!)
To the cast of today:

I don't think this show will ever lose a fan in me. I'm not sure what I'm going to do once it goes off the air.
I know there are those that would think this is weird, a guy liking a show like this. They may think it's girlie. But I don't care. I love feeling so invested in these characters. I love that my jaw dropped when John Doe turned out to be George. I love how I suffered from residual goosebumps the entire shooting episode (that awesome season finale mentioned above). I love how I still care that Katherine Heigl left the show even though the rest of the world has moved on. Besides my own creations, I don't think I've ever cared so much about people that aren't real (Besides Harry Potter, of course). And I don't think I ever will. But I have a feeling I'd be okay with that.
I'm so excited to see where this season takes me.
Last night was the season premiere, and as I sat on my couch with Katie waiting for eight o'clock to roll around, I seriously couldn't believe it was here. Already. There were times it felt like it was just yesterday I was witnessing the epic season finale last May, that was hands-down the best episode(s) in the show's history. It was hard to imagine that four months had passed that quickly, and I was about to dive into the newest season of this show. But it was coming. So I waited anxiously, ready to get back to Seattle Grace Hospital.
I started watching "Grey's Anatomy" at the start of Season 4, and even now, three years later, I'm still hooked. I kept up with all the newest episodes and began buying Seasons 1-3 so I could catch up on what I missed. I didn't think I could love a show so much. But I kept watching, and more and more I kept loving it.
Anybody who knows me (and from this blog's title), you know I'm a writer. A serious writer. And this show is one of the reasons why I've fallen more in love with writing. The writers on this show are amazing. I don't know them, but I know this. What these people have done (particularly Shonda Rhimes, who created the series) is something special. I love the way the show is written. At times the monologues stun me into silence. The sharp wit never fails to crack me up. This show has inspired me to pursue writing, not only books, but maybe if I'm lucky, a T.V. show someday.
"Grey's Anatomy" never ceases to surprise me. And though I much prefered the cast of yester-year:

(Team Izzie for the win!)
To the cast of today:

I don't think this show will ever lose a fan in me. I'm not sure what I'm going to do once it goes off the air.
I know there are those that would think this is weird, a guy liking a show like this. They may think it's girlie. But I don't care. I love feeling so invested in these characters. I love that my jaw dropped when John Doe turned out to be George. I love how I suffered from residual goosebumps the entire shooting episode (that awesome season finale mentioned above). I love how I still care that Katherine Heigl left the show even though the rest of the world has moved on. Besides my own creations, I don't think I've ever cared so much about people that aren't real (Besides Harry Potter, of course). And I don't think I ever will. But I have a feeling I'd be okay with that.
I'm so excited to see where this season takes me.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Quick post before I hit the hay.
So, I turned seventeen today.
I don't feel any different, but am so happy I can see rated R movies without the accompaniment of a parent. Love you Mom and Gavin, but most R rated movies I want to see you don't like! It's great to have this freedom now, especially with Paranormal Activity 2 right around the corner and Scream 4 coming up in April!
I spent my evening in Topeka, eating at Hooters for the second time in my lifetime for my celebratory dinner. The food was great, the girls were a little rambunctious than I would've expected, much to the chagrin of my mom and sister. That won't stop me from going back one day, though.
My presents consisted of money, cards, more money, a 6 pack of Doritos, and an I <3 Izzie shirt from my best friend Katie that I will get the pleasure of wearing in about 8 to 10 days. I love gifts, especially when they're as unexpected and awesome as that.
In a nutshell, it was a pretty good starting point to the last year before the law considers me an adult. I'm hoping for some big things to happen before September 21, 2011, so let's cross out fingers, folks!
So, I turned seventeen today.
I don't feel any different, but am so happy I can see rated R movies without the accompaniment of a parent. Love you Mom and Gavin, but most R rated movies I want to see you don't like! It's great to have this freedom now, especially with Paranormal Activity 2 right around the corner and Scream 4 coming up in April!
I spent my evening in Topeka, eating at Hooters for the second time in my lifetime for my celebratory dinner. The food was great, the girls were a little rambunctious than I would've expected, much to the chagrin of my mom and sister. That won't stop me from going back one day, though.
My presents consisted of money, cards, more money, a 6 pack of Doritos, and an I <3 Izzie shirt from my best friend Katie that I will get the pleasure of wearing in about 8 to 10 days. I love gifts, especially when they're as unexpected and awesome as that.
In a nutshell, it was a pretty good starting point to the last year before the law considers me an adult. I'm hoping for some big things to happen before September 21, 2011, so let's cross out fingers, folks!
Monday, August 23, 2010
2nd Week. About 30-something more to go.
Today was the start of the second week of my junior year. As you faithful followers of mine may recall, about a month ago I dedicated a blog to whether or not I'd be ready for school next month. Well, that month's come and passed. Would you like to hear the verdict?
Truthfully, I'm not sure yet.
I definitely don't like waking up so early. I'm pretty much a zombie when I take a shower and get dressed in the morning, so much so I often crawl into bed after I'm done getting ready. It's not much help, but it'll do. I definitely don't like homework, although the only problems I see myself having involving homework is Chemistry. That is, until next semester, when I have Trig...
There are a few friends I don't have in classes that I would definitely love having classes with. I miss our reminiscing and laughing out loud during the classes we had together last year. But I get to see them a lot still, so I guess it'll do.
There are things I do like, though. So far I'm loving my AP Language class, despite getting a 2/7 on the first quiz. But it was for completion only, so it's all good. The teacher's pretty beast too, as well as my History teacher. And I have a lot of my friends in that class. I love that my locker isn't in that dark hallway on the bottom floor that seems to get smaller and smaller every time I walk through it. Man, I hate that hallway.
So, if I were to judge how the year was going so far, I'd say it's okay. I've got my license and I (kind of) have my own car now, so I can sometimes go pick up a friend and go on a joy ride on the weekends. That's a big plus. MOCKINGJAY, a book I've been dying to read for months now to read, comes out tomorrow, so I'm pretty stoked about that. There will definitely be a review of that book coming in the next few weeks on the blog. My job at Papa Murphy's is really starting to aggravate me, but I've accepted it's something I have to deal with for the time being. I really need to get back to writing; I miss it a lot. Hopefully sometime soon I can finally start that new novel...
Okay, now I'm rambling. My bad. But I felt the need to make up for my near two week absence. Things have been a little stressful lately, but I'm hoping for the best and things will get better. I'm a pretty patient guy. Though May 19th seems more like ten years away than nine months...
Truthfully, I'm not sure yet.
I definitely don't like waking up so early. I'm pretty much a zombie when I take a shower and get dressed in the morning, so much so I often crawl into bed after I'm done getting ready. It's not much help, but it'll do. I definitely don't like homework, although the only problems I see myself having involving homework is Chemistry. That is, until next semester, when I have Trig...
There are a few friends I don't have in classes that I would definitely love having classes with. I miss our reminiscing and laughing out loud during the classes we had together last year. But I get to see them a lot still, so I guess it'll do.
There are things I do like, though. So far I'm loving my AP Language class, despite getting a 2/7 on the first quiz. But it was for completion only, so it's all good. The teacher's pretty beast too, as well as my History teacher. And I have a lot of my friends in that class. I love that my locker isn't in that dark hallway on the bottom floor that seems to get smaller and smaller every time I walk through it. Man, I hate that hallway.
So, if I were to judge how the year was going so far, I'd say it's okay. I've got my license and I (kind of) have my own car now, so I can sometimes go pick up a friend and go on a joy ride on the weekends. That's a big plus. MOCKINGJAY, a book I've been dying to read for months now to read, comes out tomorrow, so I'm pretty stoked about that. There will definitely be a review of that book coming in the next few weeks on the blog. My job at Papa Murphy's is really starting to aggravate me, but I've accepted it's something I have to deal with for the time being. I really need to get back to writing; I miss it a lot. Hopefully sometime soon I can finally start that new novel...
Okay, now I'm rambling. My bad. But I felt the need to make up for my near two week absence. Things have been a little stressful lately, but I'm hoping for the best and things will get better. I'm a pretty patient guy. Though May 19th seems more like ten years away than nine months...
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Ridin' Solo. For Real.
So today I got my license (I hope I spelled that right), and I thought I should make a post about it. No, I'm not gonna go into detail about the event, I just wanted to sort of celebrate this moment with 5 followers.
There are a lot of songs out there that I can relate to, and really make me feel good about myself. And for this moment, my Celebratory Song, as I like to call it, is Jason DeRulo's "Ridin' Solo." I mean, it's a little appropriate, considering the event. I know the song's mainly about living the single life, and while my interpretation for it today is a little more literal, I thought it was a right fit for the post. That, and it's an epic song!
But seriously, this is a huge triumph for me. I remember getting my learner's permit back when I was 14. I was pretty terrible at driving, and though I got better, even in my weeks pre-license I still had some humiliating driving moments. But I really wanted to prove skeptics wrong, and I really wanted to be able to drive on my own! I worked on getting better and went in the DMV today with a positive attitude. I told myself I'd pass the test, and I did. The fact that I was able to achieve this goal instills a huge self-confidence in myself, particularly in places in my life where self-confidence has been lacking lately. It helps me to believe that with hard work and an "I'll get this" attitude that things are possible.
See you guys on the road! You know what I'll be jamming out to...
There are a lot of songs out there that I can relate to, and really make me feel good about myself. And for this moment, my Celebratory Song, as I like to call it, is Jason DeRulo's "Ridin' Solo." I mean, it's a little appropriate, considering the event. I know the song's mainly about living the single life, and while my interpretation for it today is a little more literal, I thought it was a right fit for the post. That, and it's an epic song!
But seriously, this is a huge triumph for me. I remember getting my learner's permit back when I was 14. I was pretty terrible at driving, and though I got better, even in my weeks pre-license I still had some humiliating driving moments. But I really wanted to prove skeptics wrong, and I really wanted to be able to drive on my own! I worked on getting better and went in the DMV today with a positive attitude. I told myself I'd pass the test, and I did. The fact that I was able to achieve this goal instills a huge self-confidence in myself, particularly in places in my life where self-confidence has been lacking lately. It helps me to believe that with hard work and an "I'll get this" attitude that things are possible.
See you guys on the road! You know what I'll be jamming out to...
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Stress Overload
Today has been extremely long, and even longer by the four long hours at work. It shouldn't have seemed that long, but tonight it was. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about this... Ah, I wish things would change.
I'm actually looking forward to school, just so I can have a routine again. Don't get me wrong, spur-of-the-moment things are good sometimes, but I'm a routine kind of guy. I like knowing what I'm going to do today before today actually gets here. I like having a schedule. It's just how I am. Or it's OCD and I'm just in denial.
Ah well. This week should prove eventful. I'll keep you posted...
I'm actually looking forward to school, just so I can have a routine again. Don't get me wrong, spur-of-the-moment things are good sometimes, but I'm a routine kind of guy. I like knowing what I'm going to do today before today actually gets here. I like having a schedule. It's just how I am. Or it's OCD and I'm just in denial.
Ah well. This week should prove eventful. I'll keep you posted...
Saturday, July 31, 2010
My best friend Katie has been in NYC for too long. Actually, it's only been about two weeks, but it feels like it's been longer! Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for her, but I miss having my best friend around. Haha hurry up and come back Katie! It's no fun making fun of Elizabeth and Cameron without you there. Or, if you really wanted to I could just go see my "grandma" and somehow come up there. Haha...have fun over there. And update your blog!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Owl City
I love music. I'm not in love with it like some people, but I love blasting a song through my headphones as I shoot some baskets through my barely-clinging-on hoop in my backyard. I'll listen to a variety of music, but there's one artist whose music I can't stop listening to. And I don't want to.
First, Owl City. Like everyone else, I'd heard "Fireflies" on the radio, and I liked its funky beat. However, it wasn't a song I was particularly interested in. Owl City even made a stop at KSU back in January, and my sister Elizabeth was dying to go, but me, I didn't really care. I'd only heard that one song, so I wasn't going to go to a concert that I wasn't sure I'd enjoy.
Then, in newspaper class one day, Jessica kindly allowed me to listen to her iPod, and she happened to have Owl City's entire album on it. Curious, I clicked on a song called "Hello Seattle", and let's just say the rest is history.
After I listened to "Hello Seattle" a good twenty times, "The Saltwater Room" was next. Then "Vanilla Twilight". Then "Dental Care". It just kept going on to the point where I was obsessed with this guy's music! The sound and lyrics are so unique, and the entire time you're listening to his album it's like you're on some whismical ride. Read into the quirky lyrics and you'll find sentimental love stories, as well as other things just about anybody could relate to. Now that I'm a full-fledged Owl City fan, I look back to January and regret I wasn't as enthusiastic about going to his concert as I should've been.
By the way, you should know I just got his CD, "Ocean Eyes", on Thursday (Thanks, Jessica!). But I can't even listen to it because my CD player has been dead for about six months now.
Luckily I've got the entire album pretty much memorized.
"Hello Seattle, I am a mountaineer..."
First, Owl City. Like everyone else, I'd heard "Fireflies" on the radio, and I liked its funky beat. However, it wasn't a song I was particularly interested in. Owl City even made a stop at KSU back in January, and my sister Elizabeth was dying to go, but me, I didn't really care. I'd only heard that one song, so I wasn't going to go to a concert that I wasn't sure I'd enjoy.
Then, in newspaper class one day, Jessica kindly allowed me to listen to her iPod, and she happened to have Owl City's entire album on it. Curious, I clicked on a song called "Hello Seattle", and let's just say the rest is history.
After I listened to "Hello Seattle" a good twenty times, "The Saltwater Room" was next. Then "Vanilla Twilight". Then "Dental Care". It just kept going on to the point where I was obsessed with this guy's music! The sound and lyrics are so unique, and the entire time you're listening to his album it's like you're on some whismical ride. Read into the quirky lyrics and you'll find sentimental love stories, as well as other things just about anybody could relate to. Now that I'm a full-fledged Owl City fan, I look back to January and regret I wasn't as enthusiastic about going to his concert as I should've been.
By the way, you should know I just got his CD, "Ocean Eyes", on Thursday (Thanks, Jessica!). But I can't even listen to it because my CD player has been dead for about six months now.
Luckily I've got the entire album pretty much memorized.
"Hello Seattle, I am a mountaineer..."
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I'm Rollin'
So in the past few weeks I've been on a roll as far as reading goes. Just a few minutes ago I finally finished CHELSEA CHELSEA BANG BANG by Chelsea Handler. This is something I'm excited about because I started the book when it first came out in March and am finishing it July. That's pretty sad, considering the book is only slightly over 240 pages and I'm known for plowing through books twice as long as that. But I do have a good excuse!
You see, I'd been very focused on working on my own book for a while. That was my number one priority, and then I had schoolwork, and then my OTHER job at Papa Murphy's. I was forced to give up reading because I just had no time for it. The only reading I did was required reading for my Honors English class (there were some good books I read that way, however). Summer came and I was still working on my book, and I began reading the Twilight novella, which I quickly lost interest in about halfway through. However, I brought the book THIRTEEN REASONS WHY by Jay Asher on my vacation at the beginning of the month and I just...kept...reading. I'd met the author, so I think that was a big reason why I was set on finishing it. And behold, I got around to finishing it near the end of the vacation! With the draft of my book done, I had time to catch up with my reading. I read the rest of the Twilight novella, and finished up the rest of Chelsea's book. All in the matter of 3 weeks!
Now I'm on a roll, and I'm set on finishing up one book I stopped reading halfway at the start of summer before the inevitable start of school, bringing with it the inevitable homework that will include the required reading for my AP Language class. Hopefully I can finish it!
By the way, Chelsea's book was pretty freakin' funny. If you were curious.
You see, I'd been very focused on working on my own book for a while. That was my number one priority, and then I had schoolwork, and then my OTHER job at Papa Murphy's. I was forced to give up reading because I just had no time for it. The only reading I did was required reading for my Honors English class (there were some good books I read that way, however). Summer came and I was still working on my book, and I began reading the Twilight novella, which I quickly lost interest in about halfway through. However, I brought the book THIRTEEN REASONS WHY by Jay Asher on my vacation at the beginning of the month and I just...kept...reading. I'd met the author, so I think that was a big reason why I was set on finishing it. And behold, I got around to finishing it near the end of the vacation! With the draft of my book done, I had time to catch up with my reading. I read the rest of the Twilight novella, and finished up the rest of Chelsea's book. All in the matter of 3 weeks!
Now I'm on a roll, and I'm set on finishing up one book I stopped reading halfway at the start of summer before the inevitable start of school, bringing with it the inevitable homework that will include the required reading for my AP Language class. Hopefully I can finish it!
By the way, Chelsea's book was pretty freakin' funny. If you were curious.
Friday, July 16, 2010
One Month
Today makes it official: exactly one month until school begins again. In one month I will be heading into my junior year, the second half of my high school career. In one month my sister will be starting her senior year of high school. In one month my brother will begin his final year of elementary school.
As of yet, I'm unsure how I feel about this. Nothing really awesome or spectacular has happened this summer (except that one thing I'm not telling anybody until I know for sure if it's awesome or spectacular), so part of me feels ready for that one month to zoom on by. School is, but at least something will be happening. Another good thing about the school year starting? The return of T.V. shows! Yes, I'm talking to you, "Grey's Anatomy".
However, there's another part of me that wants this last month to move at glacial pace. I'll miss sleeping in and hanging out come August, and I know for a fact I'll feel that gnawing nostalgia for the previous year that I always feel at the start of a new school year. Only this year it'll be much worse. My sophomore year was probably one of the best years of school I've had. I had a lot of laugh and a lot of life changes, and I'm certain I'll want to feel it all again. People who I was close with won't be coming back, and I'll miss them. It'll be a rocky first few weeks.
But despite all that, I'm gonna go in positive. I have a good feeling about what's ahead for me in this next month. In a month things could be totally different. I'm acutally HOPING things will be totally different. Hopefully I'll have a (good) update on that awesome or spectacular thing I'm dying to tell people about.
Bring it on, August 17th. By then, in one month's time, I think I'll be ready for you.
As of yet, I'm unsure how I feel about this. Nothing really awesome or spectacular has happened this summer (except that one thing I'm not telling anybody until I know for sure if it's awesome or spectacular), so part of me feels ready for that one month to zoom on by. School is, but at least something will be happening. Another good thing about the school year starting? The return of T.V. shows! Yes, I'm talking to you, "Grey's Anatomy".
However, there's another part of me that wants this last month to move at glacial pace. I'll miss sleeping in and hanging out come August, and I know for a fact I'll feel that gnawing nostalgia for the previous year that I always feel at the start of a new school year. Only this year it'll be much worse. My sophomore year was probably one of the best years of school I've had. I had a lot of laugh and a lot of life changes, and I'm certain I'll want to feel it all again. People who I was close with won't be coming back, and I'll miss them. It'll be a rocky first few weeks.
But despite all that, I'm gonna go in positive. I have a good feeling about what's ahead for me in this next month. In a month things could be totally different. I'm acutally HOPING things will be totally different. Hopefully I'll have a (good) update on that awesome or spectacular thing I'm dying to tell people about.
Bring it on, August 17th. By then, in one month's time, I think I'll be ready for you.
Michelle Hodkin Giveaway
I was wandering around blogger and came across Michelle Hodkin's blog. She's an up-and-coming author who is giving some books away! She's giving away THE REPLACEMENT by Brenna Yovanoff (out September 21st) and THE DUFF by Kody Keplinger (out Sept. 7th). To enter you have to recommend a 'dark and haunting' read in her comments. Here's the link where you can find out more! Good luck!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Hey other bloggers, it's Dustin. This is my first-ever blog post so I'm not really sure what I'm doing yet. I'll post more soon!
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